Sunday 11 December 2016

POST 4: My own choice of a a film, series, song or book (novel, play, essay, comic, graphic novel) dealing with the 'MYTHS & HEROES' notion.

Percy Jackson and the Olympians

This novel first appeared in 2005 and was written by Rick Riordan. This novel's a mix of mythological greec culture and a dystopia happening in the present. Bassically it tells the story of a teenager called Percy and his friend Grover Underwood, that ends being a satyr. Percy is Poseidon's son, sea god. The two friends end up discovering that the greec myths exisit and that the Olympus stills existing, in the top of the Epire State Building. As a "half blood" he is persecuted by some other Gods and he is in danger, so Grover decides to take him to a camp where all the sons of the Gods are safe. In there they discover that someone has stollen the thief of Zeus so they decide to get it back.
The story doesn't en up there, there are more 5 books that continue with the story.
I thing this novel is releated with the notion Myths and Heros because ir represents a hero with traditional values but with today's caracteristics. Also, we see that there are greek mythology all along this saga, but releated to the present.

1 comment:

  1. This looks much too short and sketchy, Marie.
    I'm afraid this is not thorough enough. Remember that you are expected to present this post orally. As your oral presentation should last about five minutes, I really don't think this is enough. Far from it indeed. Please complete this post ASAP!
